1st Kyu - Kyokushin

Kyu images have been reproduced from the book Traditional Kyokushin Karate with kind permission of the author Sensei Piotr Szeligowski 4th Dan


Yantsu, Tsuki-No-Kata.




1. Seiken-Oi-Tsuki, Seiken-Gyaku-Tsuki, Seiken-Oi-Tsuki, Shita-Tsuki with facial cover, return and cover. 2. Front leg Mawashi-Geri-Jodan, same hand Seiken-Oi-Tsuki-Chudan, Seiken-Gyaku-tsuki-Chudan back leg Mawashi-Geri-Jodan, return and cover.


100 Seiken push ups.
15 Two finger push ups (on knees). Then change to five fingers, extend legs and hold position for 15 seconds.
100 Sit-ups.
100 Squats.
100 Killers.


The applicant must present an essay on Karate theory to the Dojo Examiner, titled either Origin.... or Meaning.... The essay must be presented at least 1 week prior to the official grading date.


This is the final Dojo club level Grading, all Black Belt tests are to be held in front of a National Panel of Examiners. 

The applicant must be physically fit to perform all techniques i.e. not injured. Any permanent physical disability must be underwritten by a Doctors letter of explanation.

Further Links within this section


Training Times & Locations:

Gellilydan Village Hall, LL41 4EF
KUDO - Japanese MMA: 10am

Gellilydan Village Hall, LL41 4EF
KYOKUSHIN - Ultimate Karate: 7pm

Kings MMA. Dublin Street, Tremadog. LL49 9RH
FIGHT CLUB - Immortals Fight Squad: 7pm

Training Costs:

Pay as You Train Fees:
£5.00 per session. (Face to Face).
£3.00 per session. (Online/Zoom).

Pre-Pay Monthly Fees:
£20 per month. (Face to Face). x2 classes per week.
£30 per month. (Face to Face). x3 classes per week.
£10 per month. (Online/Zoom).

121 Classes by Prior Appointment:
£20 per hour. (Face to Face).
£15 per hour. (Online/Zoom).

Insurance & Affiliations:
£30 per year. 
What this includes:
Annual NAKMAS Licence & Insurance Fees. 
£10 Million Personal Liability.
£500 Dental Insurance. 
Kudo (Japanese MMA) KIF Japan Membership. Affiliation Kudo UK & Kudo Wales.